Thursday, May 31, 2012

Letters To Elise

*Letter 2*

Dear Elise,
                It’s been 16 days, 12 hours, and 5 seconds since you left me. I went back to work today, even though you made it so I didn’t have to. The alarm went off at 5:00am. I scrambled, nearly falling out of bed, to shut it off before it woke you. Pretty stupid huh? I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I showered and shaved for the first time in a week. I put on the appropriate work attire and drove to the office. Every one acted the way you would’ve expected them too. Nobody would meet my eyes.  Whenever I would walk past anyone talking they would shut up and pretend they didn’t see me. Of course everyone mumbled all the right, socially acceptable, meaningless words with the appropriate feeling they didn’t really feel. I just wanted to stab them all. I didn’t even make it to lunch. I took the pictures I kept of you in my office and just walked out. I’m not going back, another failure to add to the list. Heather called again, threatening to come by if I didn’t answer the phone. So I answered to tell her to leave me the fuck alone. Another failure. If our roles were reversed, you would be handling this so much better. You always knew the right things to say and had the incredible grace to mean them. Heather would call to comfort you but instead you’d end up comforting her. I’m so lost. I picked up an old friend today, Jack Daniels. I know, I promised a long time ago that’s I’d never touch that shit again. You promised to never leave me. Looks like neither of us kept our word.
                Lolly keeps wondering from room to room until she’s exhausted, looking for you. How do I make a dog understand that her most favorite person in the world is never coming back? How do I make her understand that you’re a fucking liar? Me and Jack need to go get reacquainted now.
I love you, even though you lied,                                                                                                                                                          Elliot

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