Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bitches Be Trippin. What's New?

Would you pay $162 for this polish? Yes? Then you're fuckin stupid!

Just when I think I’ve seen it all I get slapped upside my head and reminded that I most certainly have no. I have recently entered the world of nail polish and nail art. I’ve read some nail blogs to get ideas and learned a thing or two. One of those thing is bitches go bat shit crazy over nail polish like you would not fucking believe. Seriously you won’t believe it. I learned the existence of an online shop called LLarowe They sell some fabulous, you don’t see every day, nail polish. I like them on my Facebook page and monitor them for sales and what not. They sell a brand called Lynnderella. I must admit Lynnderella has some fabulous shit, but it’s always sold the fuck out, but that’s no biggie since they shit is $15 a pop. I get queasy paying more then $8 for polish. I hop on to LLarowe to see if they will have any sales coming up. What the fuck do I find? Bitches going psy-fucking-chotic over this Lynnderella shit. Sure as shit the nail blogs I follow are talking about it too. There are actual hate groups devoted to hating LLarowe for not selling more Lynnderella. Lynnderella is a one woman show. Lynn makes and bottles the polish all by herself so it’s not super plentiful. That’s the way it goes twats, get the fuck over it, go to the store and by something else. Don’t start hate groups over the shit. Hate groups for fuck’s sake what the fuck is wrong with you people? I heard rumors that Lynnderella was going for ridiculous amounts of money. Out of curiosity I check it out. Sure as shit the stuff is selling anywhere $18 to $162.60. $162? Don’t believe me? Look here Are you bitches retarded? You can’t think of anything better to spend your money on 1 bottle of nail polish. While you dumb cunts are pissing your dough away why not sling some my way? Or help some poor homeless or starving kid you stupid whore? I’m a pretty shallow bitch, but not that shallow. I do give cash to the homeless and starving so suck a dick bitches. Anyway here’s a little tutorial for all you bat shit crazy whores to make your own fabulous polish so you don’t have to send hate mail to people or spend stupid amounts of money on it.

 1.       First decide if you want to make a bottle of the shit or just enough for one use.
         2.       If it’s more than 1 procure some small glass bottles with tops and a decent artist’s brush.
         3.       Go to Walgreens, Walmart, or where the fuck ever and get a pallet of eye shadow to tint your polish if desired, a few bottles of clear NOT fast dry top coat, pure acetone remover (for cleaning up your shit), and paper cups to mix your shit.
         4.       Go to Jo-Ann’s or better yet Michael’s. Go to the Martha Steward section coz that bitch has some first class glitter and pick out the colors and shaped of the glitter you want. They also have some nifty ass non Martha glitter in the scrapbook section.
         5.       Go the fuck home.  Pour a little or all of one of the top coats into a cup. Use a dry artist’s brush to brush some eye shadow into polish until you get the desired tint. Dump in a little or a lot of various glitters. Mix that shit with something. Paint your stupid nail and pour it into a bottle to save for later.
         6.       Clean up after yourself twat. Nobody wants to see your mess.

       Yes it sounds like a bit of an ordeal, but look on the bright side, you don’t have to go all nuts when you can’t get Lynnderella, you’ll save a shit load of dough, and you can make whatever fucking color chokes your chicken. So that’s the end of tonight rant. If one of you crazy bitches somehow stumble across this I’m so very, very, very sorry…you’re bat shit crazy. Grow up; get a life, or whatever. You annoy me. There I feel better now and that’s all that counts.

1 comment:

  1. I would never pay that. Incidentally though...i just launched a line of polishes and i'm nearly sold out. I suppose that means i'm on the smart side of this debate. ;)
