Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Things and Stuff

How I want my nails to look.
So, this is my first blog post on my very first blog. I don’t really know why I’m doing a blog. I guess I just need somewhere to bitch, whine, and occasionally moan about life, share the things I love and rip apart the people I hate. Maybe people will follow me, but probably they won’t. I’m a nobody and that’s ok with me. I get on these kicks where I get obsessed with things. Lately it’s been nail polish and nail art. The picture is not of my nails. They are not fit to photograph right now. I ordered a bunch of Zoya nail polish and they are due to arrive tomorrow so I’m waiting to redo my nails. IDK why nails and polish appeal to me so much right now. Maybe it’s because some days I feel like I’m wrapped in grey ugliness. Yup I’ve been a bit of a downer lately. With a few swipes of a little brush I can add some color to my world. Plus manicures have become special bonding time for me and my daughter Kitty.  She’s learning to pain her own nails and she likes to do my toe nails. She thinks they need polish coz I hate doing my toes. I also bought a bunch of nail stamping plates. They’re pretty fun, as long as you remember to take off the clear protective sheet.  It’s damn near invisible. I thought I was doing it wrong until out of frustration I scratched it and part of it came off. DUH! The picture of the Zoya polishes is the set I bought along with three others. I’ve seen how these look on some other blogs and they are stunning. When I put them on I’ll take a picture. In total I spent almost $60. That’s the most I’ve ever spent on nail polish at any one time. I also got a free sugar scrub and polish remover. No too fucking bad. That’s all for now. Maybe I’ll blog about something more substantial tomorrow. Maybe not. It’s my world so I’ll blog about whatever the fuck I want.

Zoya Fleck Effect $24

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